Lets restore and ultimately make you move, feel and perform better
Rehabilitation is the act of restoring something to its original state. I aim to take things further and have you performing better then you was prior to injury and further more ensure that these issues you have suffered from do not return.
Rehabilitation is a vital part of your recovery process from injury and many therapists over look just how important it is failing to provide you with the right education and some times give you a generic sheet of exercises to perform at home which in my experience can even sometimes make things worse.
Each individual is different and therefore I always provide a tailored rehabilitation programme. This can speed up your recovery and in the process not only get you back to doing what you love but saves you money on seeing therapists like myself!
A decent rehab programme and as a result forming good habits can more then often be the piece of the puzzle that also prevents injury from re occurring. Im there with you every stop of the way providing email or telephone support and giving demonstrational videos where required.
I also offer training within a gym setting for clients who wish to progress further and ultimately feel, move and perform better!